Weather Forecast: Environment Canada is forecasting approximately 25 mm to 40 mm of rain over a 24-hour period starting late Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, accompanied by temperatures that are above zero. Environmental Conditions: Water runoff and flows may increase in the coming days due to expected precipitation and melting snow. Read more
Public Consultation on Updates to Drinking Water Source Protection Plan
The South Nation and Raisin Region Conservation Authorities are inviting the public to provide feedback on proposed updates to the local Drinking Water Source Protection Plan which was established in 2014. This document, developed under the Clean Water Act, outlines strategies to safeguard the source water that supplies municipal drinking water systems. Read more
Get Outdoors this Winter at SNC’s Year-Round Conservation Areas
As the cold weather blows in and the winter season is about to begin in Eastern Ontario, South Nation Conservation (SNC) has started to close its seasonal Conservation Areas and is currently removing safety booms and shoreline docks along rivers in the region. Read more