
About Land

Forest with sunshine
Ontario's forests help filter the air we breathe and protect the quality and quantity of waters we drink. They are the home to abundant wildlife, and provide us with valuable forest products.

SNC plays a major role in forest management, tree and shrub planting, and aforestation.  Each year, thousands of trees and shrubs are planted in our jurisdiction by our staff, our partners in conservation, and landowners who participate in our forestry and stewardship programs.

SNC manages over 20,000 acres of forested land. Using sound, sustainable management practices under Forest Stewardship Council certification, we protect significant natural heritage features such as species at risk, rare ecosystems, and old-growth trees.

We work with communities to create a legacy of healthy forests.  Workshops and planting events provide hands-on learning experiences, promote local stewardship, and educate participants about plantations. Our annual forestry tours draw attention to current forestry issues and management activities on public and private lands. As part of SNC’s longstanding commitment to forestry programs, we make every effort to educate residents about practicing healthy, sustainable forest management.