SNC Committees Thanked For A Job Well Done

South Nation Conservation (SNC) is proud if its environmental programs, some of which have been adopted by other agencies; it’s proud of its staff, many of whom have been on board for most of their careers; and its proud of its close connections to the communities it serves.
Following SNC’s 70th anniversary in 2017, SNC is also very proud of its dedicated volunteers, many of whom channel their support through the authority’s 20-year-old committee structure.
Several long-time committee members have been acknowledged for their contributions through the “Friends of South Nation Conservation” recognitions. At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors, committees were thanked collectively for 20 years of service. A ceremonial shagbark hickory tree was planted in the backyard of the SNC office in Finch to honour committee members and their work.
“The committee structure is one of the things about SNC that I appreciate the most. The fact so many people have voluntarily committed themselves to the organization and its mandate is a clear indication of broad community acceptance,” said Fernand Dicaire, SNC’s Board of Directors Chair.
Meeting up to six times a year, the SNC Standing Committees include Clean Water, Communications, Fish & Wildlife, and Forestry. They’re made up of representatives of the general public, community groups, agriculture and other landowners, business, industry, provincial and municipal governments, and the board. Once a year in March, all committees meet on the same day to get a better idea of projects each is involved with.
“We simply couldn’t have made the advances that we have without the input, advice and hard work of the committees,” said Angela Coleman, SNC General Manager.
The dedication which has come to be expected among committee members was no better exemplified than by the late Ian Mitchell who was a past Chair of the Communications Committee. On July 5, a bench was dedicated at Reveler Conservation Area to recognize his efforts in promoting outdoor recreation and education, partly through the Geocachers of Eastern Ontario which he co-founded.
“Ian’s commitment to protecting the local environment was unmatched,” said SNC Communications and Outreach Team Lead, John Mesman, adding his thanks for a job well done to all committee members.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: John Mesman, 1-877-984-2948, ext. 302,