
Termes de référence des comités permanents

Terms of Reference
South Nation Conservation Standing Committees

The Conservation Authorities Act and SNC’s Administrative By-laws grant the SNC Board of Directors (Board) the ability to establish Standing Committees to study and report on specific matters. The Board approves the mandate for each Standing Committee outlining their area of responsibility. The Chair, Vice Chair, and Past Chair are ex-officio members of all SNC Standing Committees with full voting privileges. Standing Committee actions (i.e.: recommendations pertaining to programs and budget items under their mandate), must be approved by the Board prior to execution.

The administrative and operating procedures of all SNC Standing Committees are as follows:

a)    To promote and advocate for South Nation Conservation and its role in watershed management.
b)    To provide stakeholder feedback and/or expert knowledge regarding implementation of programs and services under the committee’s mandate.
c)    To make recommendations to the Board on policies and programs that relate to their mandate.

a)    Provide input to budgets and programs within their mandate at such a time that coincides with the draft budgeting schedule of SNC.
b)    Review annual work plans, as per approved budget, for presentation to March Board meeting.
c)     Annually review committee’s mandate and evaluate effectiveness of programs under this mandate.
d)    Make recommendations for program implementation to Board.
e)    Communicate results of program achievements to the public.
f)     Assist with fundraising initiatives by actively identifying funding sources and advocating for projects partnerships.

a)    15 members maximum per committee plus 3 ex-officio Board Members
           i)     Strive for watershed representation, both geographic and functional
          ii)     With 75% majority vote of the committee at which quorum is achieved, additional members may be added to the committee, subject to Board approval
b)    Budgets for travel/per meeting allowances, will not change from the budgeted amount, regardless of committee size.
c)     Staff support will remain nominally the same, regardless of committee size.
d)    All committee appointments to be approved annually by the Board by the March Board meeting.
e)    Any committee member (excluding ex-officio members) missing two consecutive meetings without communicating justification, to the Committee Chair, will be removed from the committee.
f)      Failure to achieve quorum for two consecutive meetings shall trigger an automatic review by the Board on that particular Standing Committee.
g)    Members failing to attend a meeting without prior notification of regrets will be recorded as absent in the meeting minutes.
h)    Committee Chair
          i)     To be elected by the Committee
         ii)     Acting Chair to be appointed by Committee if required
        iii)     Chair (or designate) will represent Committee at meetings and events as required
        iv)     Chair will encourage each member to bring ideas on projects, funding, partnerships, etc.

Membership Term
a)    Committee members shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years.
b)    Membership selection will be via an application process:
         i)     Applicants will be required to provide a summary of experience, qualifications, and commitment to fulfilling their role as an SNC Standing Committee member.
        ii)     The Board shall appoint a membership committee to review applications and make recommendations on Standing Committee membership.
        iii)     Selection of committee membership shall be completed in the fall of the third year of term and shall be effective as of Board approval at the following year’s Annual General Meeting.
c)     Committee members may reapply for membership at the end of their term.
d)    Committee membership is subject to an annual review of member’s performance, committee members that do not actively perform their responsibilities may be replaced at the Board’s discretion.

a)    50% plus 1 of committee approved by the Board constitutes quorum for all matters relating to financial allocations or major decisions concerning program implementation:
        i)    Ex-officios do not count towards quorum.
b)    Non-financial matters can be dealt with by consensus.

Frequency of Meetings and Manner of Call
a)    Committees to meet 4 times per year, and to include as a minimum: 
          i)     Preparation of work plan for upcoming year.
         ii)     Attendance at joint coordinating meeting of all SNC Standing Committees.
        iii)     Review of progress of work plans.
        iv)     Review work completed and evaluate if objectives were met.
b)    Additional meetings may be held with 75% concurrence of the committee at which there is quorum.
c)     Committees shall establish meeting dates for the next year at the last meeting of the year.
d)    Notices of meetings shall be sent by electronic means, or other manner decided on by SNC, a minimum of 14  calendar days prior to the meeting.
e)    Agendas to be emailed to committee members 4 business days prior to meeting date.
f)     Conference calls, video conferencing, and/or electronic voting may be utilized by the committee in place of an in-person meeting with concurrence of 75% of the committee.

a)    Committees shall be assigned an SNC staff person to support the committee and act as liaison with SNC.
b)    Committee members will be paid a meeting allowance, capped at 80% of Board members meeting allowance, and mileage, at rate established by the Board for SNC.
c)     The approved budget of SNC will identify the funding resources of each Standing Committee.
d)    Light refreshments to be served to committees.

a)    Chair or designate will bring a report, via the draft meeting minutes of the committee, to Board after each committee meeting.
b)    All motions of committees that require funding shall reference SNC’s budget section(s).
c)     Board will make a final decision on all committee programs and required funding through approval of committee actions in the draft minutes.
d)    All committee members will engage, at least once per year, with their member organizations, the public, and/or their municipalities to promote their committee and the work it does; members will provide an update to the Committee on         these engagements.

a)    Notices of meetings to be sent to media in SNC jurisdiction, as a minimum.
b)    Press releases on major recommendations of committees or highlights/key issues of programs to be issued after Board approves minutes.
c)     Approved minutes of Standing Committees to be posted on SNC’s website.

Committee Mandates

Communications Committee
The Communications Committee will provide stakeholder input to the delivery of SNC programs, including but not limited to environmental education and outreach programs, discussion of promotion, special events, fundraising activities and volunteering to represent SNC at public events and outreach activities.

The Committee will review and make recommendations for cost-share grant approvals under the Community Environmental Grants Program, as per approved guidelines.  Committee members will help increase public awareness of SNC’s landowner stewardship initiatives, support the creation of partnerships, and build community support with the public, stakeholder groups, government agencies, academics and environmental organizations.

Stakeholder representation may include, but is not limited to, the following: media, teachers, municipal staff and politicians, First Nations, local environmental groups; and public members-at-large with knowledge of the marketing, communications, and fundraising sectors. 

Clean Water Committee
The Clean Water Committee will provide South Nation Conservation (SNC) with stakeholder input on water quality/quantity programs and related research and stewardship projects. The Committee will review and make recommendations for cost-share grant approvals under the Clean Water Program, Ottawa Rural Clean Water Program (ORCWP) and Eastern Ontario Water Resources Program (EOWRP), as per each Program’s approved guidelines and grant structure. Committee members will help increase public awareness of SNC’s landowner stewardship initiatives and cost-share grant programs, support the creation of partnerships and build community support with the public, stakeholder groups, government agencies, academics and other environmental organizations. Committee members may serve as program representatives helping to liaise between SNC and interested program applicants. 

Stakeholder representation may include, but is not limited to, the following: agricultural organizations; Partner Programs (ORCWP and EOWRP); member municipalities; provincial and federal agricultural departments; agri-businesses; local environmental groups; local farmers, First Nations, and public members-at-large with knowledge of local water resources. 

Fish and Wildlife Committee
The Fish and Wildlife Committee will provide stakeholder input to SNC’s management, monitoring and implementation of habitat restoration and stewardship projects. Committee members will help increase public awareness of SNC’s fisheries and wildlife initiatives, support the creation of partnerships and build community support with the public, stakeholder groups, government agencies, academics and other environmental organizations. Committee members will support fish and wildlife educational programs delivered to the public, youth, and students, including Youth Fish Camps and the Youth Hunt (a partnership with Delta Waterfowl).  

Stakeholder representation may include, but is not limited to, the following: local fish and game clubs, program partners; First Nations; local anglers, hunters, and trappers; provincial and federal departments; local environmental groups; academia/ researchers, and public members-at-large with knowledge of local fisheries and wildlife.

Forestry Committee
The Forestry Committee will provide stakeholder input to SNC’s delivery of its forestry stewardship programs and management of SNC Forests, including the 20-Year Forest Management Plan and 5-Year Operating Plans. Committee members will help increase public awareness of SNC’s landowner stewardship initiatives, support the creation of partnerships and build community support with the public, stakeholder groups, government agencies, academics and other environmental organizations. Members may also serve as Forest Stewards helping SNC to monitor and report on various SNC owned properties.

Stakeholder representation may include, but is not limited to, the following: local woodlot associations; Counties Forests; First Nations; forest industry; Eastern Ontario Model Forest; Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; local environmental groups; local woodlot owners, and public members-at-large with knowledge of local forests and/or the forestry industry.