The South Nation Conservation (SNC) Water Response Team has upgraded the Level I (minor) low water conditions issued on June 29th to Level II (moderate) low water conditions for the Upper South Nation Subwatershed.
The Upper South Nation Subwatershed includes portions of Augusta, Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Elizabethtown-Kitley, South Dundas, South Stormont, North Grenville, North Dundas, North Stormont, Russell, Casselman, and Nation. The remainder of the South Nation Watershed will remain in Level I (minor) low water conditions.
Low water conditions are determined based on data collected from precipitation and stream gauges across the watershed. In the past two weeks, conditions within the Upper South Nation Subwatershed have worsened due to persistent hot and dry weather, causing flows in rivers and streams to continue declining. Evaporation could become a significant concern if current conditions persist.
SNC's Water Response Team, consisting of local representatives from provincial and municipal governments, agriculture, and other special interest groups, met on July 9th to discuss current conditions and next steps. Members reported observations of dried-up streams, reduced crop yields, and increased demand on municipal well water.
Residents, businesses, and other industries throughout the Upper South Nation Subwatershed can help mitigate the impacts of Level II low water conditions by reducing their water consumption by 20% and limit non-essential uses. Residents should also be aware of their municipality's water conservation and fire by-laws.
The remainder of the Watershed under Level I low water conditions should continue to voluntarily reduce their water consumption by 10%.
Property owners are encouraged to contact SNC if they are experiencing issues with their well. Should low water conditions worsen, shallow wells may go dry.
SNC will continue to monitor watershed conditions and will provide updates as required.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Omar Kana’n, Water Resources Specialist – Engineering, 613-984-2948, okanan@nation.on.ca .
MEDIA CONTACT: Taylor Campbell, Communications Specialist, 613-551-7158, tcampbell@nation.on.ca.