Youth Hooked on SNC Summer Fish Camps

South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) popular summer program saw over 100 youth baiting a hook at Youth Fish Camps held this summer for its 13th season.
“These popular camps deliver an invaluable outdoor learning experience for youth and help familiarize young people with the natural environment through responsible and sustainable fishing,” explains Kelsey Smith, SNC’s Stewardship and Outreach Assistant.
Youth were casting a line at the Cass Bridge Conservation Area in Winchester, High Falls Conservation Area in Casselman, Jessup’s Falls Conservation Area in Plantagenet and new this year, the Legion Park in Cardinal.
Participants are 9 to 13-years old, and don’t require any previous fishing experience.
Youth enjoyed two days of fishing at an SNC Conservation Area where they learned about fishing rules and regulations along with new fishing techniques. Other environmentally focused activities include fish identification, water quality testing and citizen science, invasive species awareness, and creation of fly-fishing ties, among others.
“There is a lot of value in these camps, like promoting eco-health,” adds Smith. “Kids are given the chance to fish all day, make new friends, and connect and learn about their local environment.”
Recreational fishing programs promote sustainable angling practices and encourage residents to explore fishing opportunities at Ontario Conservation Areas.
SNC works in partnership with its 16 member municipalities to share natural spaces and offer recreational opportunities on land and water.
As part of SNC’s 75th Anniversary, SNC is also promoting a 75 KM Challenge where visitors are encouraged to log 75 km on an SNC trail or watercourse throughout 2022. Donated prizes will be available at the end of the year for those who are able to log their distances. More info at
To learn more about recreational fishing opportunities:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Kelsey Smith, Stewardship and Outreach Assistant, or 613-984-2948.