Spend Your Summer on the South Nation River

From the headwaters near Brockville to where it empties into the Ottawa River near Plantagenet, the South Nation River offers endless summer recreational opportunities for the whole family on its 175 km waterway
in Eastern Ontario.
“With pandemic event restrictions lifted, we’re excited to fully welcome back and support all the great activities available in and around the South Nation River this summer,” explained John Mesman, South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) Community Lands and Outreach Lead.
Many popular events have made a return, including the Spencerville Mill and Chesterville Canoe/Kayak Poker Runs and several Duck Races. SNC’s Community Environmental Grants helps support these initiatives and funding is still available for this year.
If you’re looking to canoe or kayak on the South Nation River, SNC offers a number of river access points and Conservation Areas to access its five canoe and kayak routes.
If you’re new to paddling, or don’t have access to a kayak, the High Falls Conservation Area in Casselman will be offering summer kayak rentals on Thursdays through Sundays.
The Township of North Dundas will also be offering a free trial kayak lending program at the Chesterville Waterfront. Kayaks and safety vests will be available for those who wish to take a 1-hour paddle along the South Nation River. Free kayak days will be hosted from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on the following days: July 12th and 27th, August 10th and 24th, and September 14th.
If you’re looking for something different, quality angling experience can be found all along the River, from small boat launches to larger docks for all boating and paddling activities. The South Nation River supports 72 species of fish including popular sport fish such as pike, walleye, muskie, catfish, and carp.
“With school out for the summer, and warm weather upon us, we’re encouraging people to step outdoors and into nature to enjoy what the region has to offer along the South Nation River. It’s also a great opportunity to log distances for our 75km Challenge to celebrate our 75th anniversary,” added Mesman.
To sign up for the 75km Challenge, visit: www.nation.on.ca/about/75-years-conservation.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Kelsey Smith, SNC Stewardship and Outreach Assistant, 1-877-984-2948 ksmith@nation.on.ca.