
Oak Valley Pioneer Park – Riverbank Restoration

SNC worked with experts in natural river restoration and experienced contractors to re-slope and stabilize the eroding banks of the South Nation River at Oak Valley Pioneer Park.

The riverbank at the park had eroded so severely that trees planted in the park were at risk of falling into the river. Soil and park lands were being lost at a swift rate, prompting the need for a significant erosion control project.

The project consisted of using heavy machinery to excavate soil from the bank back to a stable and more natural riverbank slope. Prior to the work, the riverbank consisted of a vertical drop over 2 meters in height to the river bottom. Excess soil was brought to a nearby SNC property and seeded back into agriculturally productive lands.

The riverbank at the park was reseeded with a native grass seed mix and a biodegradable erosion control blanket was used to cover the fresh soil surface.

SNC staff worked to install over 2000 willow live stakes along the riverbank to further revegetate and stabilize the site with a network of shrub roots. Trees removed along the riverbank prior to the project were repurposed and anchored to the toe of the riverbank slope to protect the area from erosion during high water flows.

SNC will continue to monitor the site for stability and will evaluate the erosion control methods to adjust where necessary. Further tree planting, interpretative signage, and upgrades to the parks trails are planned to be completed in 2024.

SNC Staff installing willow live stakes

Riverbank - Before

Riverbank - After

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