Plan Your Spring Projects With SNC

Are you looking ahead to spring projects and planning to develop within the watershed near a river, stream, floodplain, wetland, slope, or shoreline?
If so, South Nation Conservation (SNC) is reminding residents from across its 4,441 km2 jurisdiction in Eastern Ontario to contact its Approvals Team before proceeding.
“We work with residents to ensure people and property are protected where development is proposed in and around natural hazards,” explains Alison McDonald, SNC’s Approval Lead. “This involves working with residents through the approvals process when a permit is required.”
SNC staff are available for pre-consultations at its head office in Finch, or virtually online, making it easier for residents to meet and discuss projects and permit approvals and help avoid delays. A new online application form is now available on the SNC website, further simplifying the application process for property owners.
While a permit from the Conservation Authority may not always be required, SNC staff may be able to provide advice and referrals to help people complete their projects.
Areas that have been studied for flood and erosion hazards have been mapped and can be viewed online through SNC’s public geoportal. Through the mapping portal, residents can see flood prone areas, along with SNC’s Regulations Limit, which includes areas where permission may be required before construction projects can proceed.
SNC is also currently holding public consultation on updated hazard mapping in the Bear Brook and tributaries within the City of Ottawa. Study information and draft maps can be accessed online at
SNC’s septic officials conduct septic system inspections and issue permits on behalf of 13 municipalities within all regions within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, the City of Cornwall, and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, except for North and South Glengarry. In 2021, a record 500 septic permit approvals were issued to by SNC.
Staff are also available to answer questions on tree planting projects, free woodlot management advice, recreational opportunities, and landowner stewardship projects.
“We pride ourselves on providing high quality environmental services to our member municipalities and their residents,” adds McDonald. “These valuable partnerships allow us to protect people, property and the local environment.”
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Shannon Gutoskie, SNC Communications Specialist, 1-877-984-2948