SNC Accepting Applications for Community Environmental Grants Program

Are you planning an environmental or recreational event for your community? You may be eligible for a grant to help offset your costs through South Nation Conservation’s (SNC) Community Environmental Grants Program!
Non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply to receive a grant of up to $300 for their event or activity. The program has four categories: River Grants, Heritage Grants, Agri-Environmental Grants, and Community Outreach Grants.
“The Community Environmental Grants Program supports events and projects within SNC’s jurisdiction that promote recreational use of our river, protect the environment or celebrate the natural heritage of the area,” said John Mesman, SNC’s Team Lead, Communications and Outreach.
This year, 20 projects and $6,000 have been approved so far.
Some of the supported events included Boisés Est’s Wood Fair, the Russell Historical Society’s Heritage Festival, the Crysler Citizen Committee’s Fun Run, the Cardinal Legion’s Poker Run, the Kin Club of Russell’s Poutmaster Fishing Derby and the Spencerville Mill Poker Run.
“We believe in supporting opportunities for the public to enjoy, to learn from, and to experience the river and their local environment,” added Mesman. “We accept applications for event support year-round and we can help community groups and individuals in planning and supporting their events too.”
There’s something for landowners too! For over 20 years the SNC Clean Water Program has funded $2.2 million in grants to over 720 projects. If you have a project on your property that improves water quality you may be eligible.
To download a copy of the Community Environmental Grants application form, visit:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: John Mesman, Team Lead, Communications and Outreach, 1-877-984-2948 ext. 302,