Veteran Ottawa politician new South Nation Chairman

Long-time municipal politician, Doug Thompson, is the new chairman of South Nation Conservation (SNC). The term is for two years.
Thompson pledged to work to the best of his abilities to ensure "our organization continues to meet the goals we all aspire to attain."
His nomination was uncontested during an SNC Board of Directors meeting February 19. Also uncontested was La Nation Mayor, Francois St. Amour, as vice-chair. Bill Smirle moves into the immediate past chair position, rounding out the executive.
St. Amour said his experience with SNC over the past four years has opened his mind when it comes to many conservation issues.
A 14-year veteran of the SNC board, Thompson thanked Smirle for his "tremendous tutoring and leadership", also citing the guidance of past chair Lawrence Levere.
Smirle said tremendous strides have been made during the past two years in working with the "four C’s": Communication, Collaboration, Coordination, and Cooperation.
"It’s really important to work with and make the best of what you have."
Thompson paid tribute to SNC General Manager Dennis O’Grady as being highly respected across the land for his "knowledge and understanding in the field of conservation." He complimented SNC staff as being well trained, very professional, and highly motivated, "the best conservation staff in the province."
The new chairman outlined several goals, including: continuing strong representation with provincial umbrella group Conservation Ontario; meet on a regular basis with municipal council partners and chairs of other Eastern Ontario Conservation Authorities; participate with staff at presentations and outreach activities, and promote staff social interaction; and ensure continuation of the "outstanding" work of SNC’s volunteer committees.
Thompson recently retired from municipal politics after serving 17 years as councillor and mayor of former Osgoode Township, and 14 years as councilor, of what became Ottawa’s Osgoode Ward. He’s a past chairman of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association, and past chair of Ottawa’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Ronda Boutz, Team Lead, Communications and Outreach, 877-984-2948.