January 17, 2014 - SOUTH NATION WATERSHED - South Nation Conservation (SNC) is ending the Watershed Conditions Statement: Flood Outlook issued on January 10, 2014.
Over the past week we have experienced some localized snow melt and water ponding in low areas but no major flooding has been reported. The snow cover has reduced by approximately 20 cm throughout the watershed. Environment Canada forecasted below freezing temperature for the next week. The watercourses are expected to be back in normal winter condition.
SNC continues to caution residents along watercourses to be aware of hazards associated with cold fast flowing water and dam operations. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children.
SNC staff will continue to closely monitor the water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning program and will provide updates in the event conditions change.
SNC encourages the public to visit our Watershed Conditions webpage at http://watershedconditions.com and to also provide feedback with respect to changes in water related conditions in their local areas (i.e. high water elevations, road inundation, etc.). All feedback can be sent to Sandra Mancini at smancini@nation.on.ca. For additional information please contact SNC at 1-877-984-2948.