SNC Offers Free Woodlot Advisory Service to Local Landowners

Are you a landowner with at least 10 acres of woodlot property?
Thanks to support from the United Counties of Prescott and Russell (UCPR) and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SDG), South Nation Conservation (SNC) offers its Woodlot Advisory Service (WAS) to residents who own at least 10 acres of forest.
“Through our Woodlot Advisory Service, a Forestry Technician will visit your property and suggest management options based on a preliminary site evaluation,” said Cheyene Brunet, SNC’s Forestry Technician. “The free program can also assist landowners looking to learn more about their woodlot and tree identification.”
“Property owners will also receive information about programs, such as the Ontario Managed Forest Tax Program, which can provide a tax reduction of up to 75% on privately-owned residential land in Ontario,” added Brunet. Landowners may also be eligible to receive up to a $500 grant towards the creation of a Forest Management Plan for property tax benefits.
“Forests provide many important ecological, economic, social and cultural benefits to humans and the environment,” explains John Mesman, SNC’s Managing Director of Property, Conservation Lands and Community Outreach.
Free woodlot visits are still available in SDG in 2022, requests for UCPR will be scheduled in 2023. SNC is encouraging anyone interested in woodlot visits or management grants to call the SNC Office or email
“We hope people will continue to take advantage of our programs that protect the local environment and enhance forest cover in the region.”
To learn more about SNC’s Woodlot Advisory Service visit:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Erin Thorne, SNC Communications Specialist