SNC Recognizes Importance of National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 30, 2021, marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, an important day for our Indigenous partners, locally and across the country. It also serves as a day of reflection, so that people can recognize the harmful legacy of the residential school system in Canada and collectively make the journey towards healing.
As an organization dedicated to the health and protection of land and water resources, South Nation Conservation (SNC) has a deep respect and appreciation for the history and knowledge of our First Nation partners. Working together, we have undertaken many successful, impactful projects that would not have been possible without our partners and the Traditional Knowledge that they’ve shared.
Some of the very first partner projects included a Black Ash Management Project and a Medicinal Plant Project. During this time, a working group was formed to ensure close collaboration with partners on the ground within shared territories. The Eastern Ontario First Nations Working Group, a non-political group, now works together to join efforts on issues that affect all of us, including the sustainable management of public forests and community lands. Over the years the group has tracked species at risk, invasive species, biodiversity and biodiversity offsets, carried out restoration projects and offered advice.
More recently, as the result of a commitment made at the 2019 Climate Change Summit hosted by the Assembly of First Nations in Whitehorse, Yukon, the Working Group, through a collaborative partnership, has worked since 2020 to create The Healing Place - a community green space located on the traditional territories of the Algonquin and Mohawk Nations in Eastern Ontario. More than 250 culturally significant trees, shrubs, and other species were planted last September on National Tree Day.
More than a planting site or event, The Healing Place represents an important step forward in the journey towards reconciliation. It’s centered around creating and maintaining a safe, physical space of healing to help restore land, language, and relationships with community members from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous backgrounds.
The Healing Place is an 89-acre site located on SNC property in Shanly, Ontario. It is home to several grassland Species at Risk, including the Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and locally significant Gorgone Checkerspot butterfly.
On October 14th, 2021, The Healing Place partners are gathering to plant culturally significant trees and plants, create a children’s garden, and share stories to celebrate First Nation culture. The event, “Remembering the Children,” will include an opening ceremony with guest speakers. Due to COVID-19, numbers are limited, and pre-registration is required. Part of the event will be live streamed to SNC’s Facebook Page.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Shannon Gutoskie, Communications Specialist, 1-877-984-2948,