Call for applicants: Appointment of Chair Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Committee

The Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Committee has been in place since 2007. The committee members represent many public and private sectors including municipalities, industry, small business, environmental interests, agriculture and the general public. Many of the original members still sit on the committee today and have worked together to ensure that municipal drinking water sources in the Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Region are protected.
The appointment of a new Chair for the Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Committee is currently being advertised by the Public Appointment Secretariat at
Interested applicants must apply by June 21, 2016.
The Source Protection Committee Chair is a government appointment that offers on-going leadership to the Committee, represents the interests of the Region at the provincial level, and champions the ongoing protection of drinking water sources.
For more information contact:
Richard Pilon, P. Eng., Project Manager
Raisin-South Nation Source Protection Region
1-866-938-3611 ext.224