Weather Forecast:
Environment Canada is forecasting mild temperatures throughout the week, reaching daytime temperatures of 8 oC, and the potential for significant periods of rain towards the end of the week and into the weekend totaling up to 40 mm by Saturday, March 26th.
As a result of updated rainfall amounts in the forecast, and the potential for increased water levels, South Nation Conservation (SNC) is upgrading from a FLOOD OUTLOOK to a FLOOD WATCH.
Environmental Conditions:
With water levels already elevated, and increased runoff expected to continue due to warmer temperatures, ongoing snow melt, and additional forecasted rainfall, the risk of flooding in areas adjacent to watercourses is heightened. Rising water levels and flows will create hazardous conditions close to any river, stream, or waterbody in the South Nation River watershed.
Spring flooding is currently affecting the following roads resulting in road closures:
- Nation Municipality:
- Concession Road 12 West of County Road 9 from civic number 4330 up to Scotch River Road
- River Bank Road, from civic number 3930 to 2833
- Concession Road 12 East of County Road 9 Lefebvre Road
- Township of Alfred and Plantagenet:
- Concession Road 4 from 1183 m East of County Road 19 to Route 16
- Concession Road 7 from 1040 m East of Station Road to St Jean Road
- Concession Road 9 from Russell Road to 1148 m East of Russell Road
- Concession Road 10 from 393 m West of County Road 19 to end of road
- City of Ottawa:
- Bridge at Ray Wilson Road in Kenmore
More information on road closures available at www.municipal511.ca.
Warmer temperatures, continued snow melt and rainfall will further increase high water levels and may increase nuisance flooding present in low-lying areas across the jurisdiction.
Residents are advised to exercise extreme caution when near rivers and waterbodies as the forecasted weather may rapidly increase river flows and cause slippery conditions. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children.
Residents in flood prone or low-lying areas, historically susceptible to flooding, should take the necessary precautions to protect their property. Please ensure:
- sump pump is clear, in good working condition and has a backwater valve on it.
- downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 m from the dwelling.
- easy access to portable backup generator and pump.
- items that might float away as flows increase are secured.
- valuable items are removed from basements or lower floors that could be subject to flooding.
- emergency phone numbers are handy.
- you are familiar with your municipality’s Emergency Preparedness Plan.
This flood watch statement is in effect until Tuesday, March 29th, 2022 at 5 PM or until an update has been issued.
SNC monitors the water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. Updates are provided as conditions change.
To provide feedback on water related conditions please email waterwatch@nation.on.ca, post on our Facebook (/SouthNationConservation) or Twitter (@SouthNationCA).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Katherine Watson, Water Resources Specialist – Monitoring, 1-877-984-2948, kwatson@nation.on.ca.
Forwarded to: All Flood Forecasting and Warning Directory.
SNC Watershed Conditions Statements:
Normal: No flood conditions exist.
Watershed Conditions Statement—Water Safety: High flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors that could be dangerous for recreational users such as anglers, canoeists, hikers, children, pets, etc. are present. Flooding is not expected.
Watershed Conditions Statement—Flood Outlook: Early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high wind or other conditions that could lead to high runoff, cause ice jams, lakeshore flooding or erosion.
Flood Watch: Flooding is possible in specific watercourses or municipalities. Municipalities, emergency services and individual landowners in flood-prone areas should prepare.
Flood Warning: Flooding is imminent or already occurring in specific watercourses or municipalities.