This statement is an update to the Flood Outlook Statement issued April 4th, 2023.
Weather Forecast: No additional precipitation is forecasted in the next 3 days. Daytime temperatures will be above zero, with nighttime temperatures dropping below zero on Saturday and Sunday.
Environmental Conditions: Water levels and flows are highacross the jurisdiction due to significant precipitation received over the past 24 hours, particularly in the headwaters of the South Nation River and the North Branch of the South Nation River. Widespread tree damage due to ice accumulation and breakage could result in an increase in debris blocking culverts and drains. Warmer temperatures will result in additional snow and ice melt over the next 3 days, further increasing levels and flows.
Risks: As snow and ice continues to melt, rivers and streams across the jurisdiction will result in higher water levels, fast flowing water and slippery or unstable banks. Additionally, these conditions elevate the risk for ice breakup and ice jams at bridges, culverts and other areas producing localized flooding concerns. Roads, driveways and properties in flood-prone areas could be impacted.
ACTION: Residents are advised to exercise extreme caution when near rivers and waterbodies due to increasing river flows and slippery conditions. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children.
Residents in flood prone or low-lying areas, historically susceptible to flooding, should take the necessary precautions to protect their property. Please ensure:
- Sump pump is clear, in good working condition and has a backwater valve on it.
- Easy access to portable backup generator and pump.
- Downspouts are clear and the outlet is at least 3 m from the dwelling.
- Driveway culverts are clear of debris and drain well.
- Securing items that might float away as flows increase.
Duration: This flood watch statement is in effect until April 12, 2023 at 5 PM or until an update has been issued.
SNC monitors the water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. Updates are provided as conditions change.
Please visit www.nation.on.ca for more information. To provide feedback with respect to changes in water related conditions please email waterwatch@nation.on.ca, post on our Facebook (/SouthNationConservation) or Twitter (@SouthNationCA).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Kat Watson, Water Resources Specialist – Monitoring, 1-877-984-2948, kwatson@nation.on.ca.
Forwarded to: All Flood Forecasting and Warning Directory