Weather Forecast:
Environment Canada is forecasting rain starting late Wednesday, totaling up to 20 mm by Friday, April 1st in areas across the SNC jurisdiction.
Environmental Conditions:
Most of the snow and ice has melted across the jurisdiction. Although recent flooding has subsided, water levels and flows are elevated from recent precipitation and snowmelt. Intense periods of rainfall could lead to slippery conditions and rapid increases in water levels and flows.
All local watercourses should be considered dangerous due to slippery riverbanks and flows. Some nuisance flooding due to accumulation of water in low-lying areas, roadside ditches, and areas with poor drainage is expected.
Residents are advised to stay away from waterbodies, as well as water control structures such as dams. Children should be warned of dangerous conditions and caregivers should maintain a close watch on children who are outside.
This water safety statement is in effect until Monday, April 4th, 2022 at 5 PM or until an update has been issued.
Conservation Authorities work in partnership with municipalities to reduce the risk to life and damage to property caused by flooding.SNC monitors weather forecasts and water levels as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning Program. Updates are provided as conditions change.
To provide feedback on water related conditions please email waterwatch@nation.on.ca, post on our Facebook (/SouthNationConservation) or Twitter (@SouthNationCA).
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Katherine Watson, Water Resources Specialist – Monitoring, 1-877-984-2948, kwatson@nation.on.ca.
Forwarded to: All Flood Forecasting and Warning Directory.